Our Timeline

Asian Marine Services Public Company Limited was established in 1981 as a marine survey company with registered capital of 200,000 Baht. The Company later reviewed its original corporate objective in view of the growing demand for ship repair services of required standard. And purchased its first floating dock, Asimar 1, from Japan.

The Terminal landing Platform contourse Building
Suvarnabhumi Airport


The Company subsequently became listed as a public company limited and changed its name to Asian Marine Services Public Company Limited or ASIMAR.

The Company delivered "M.V. AZZAM" a well text / stimulate supply vessel to ALMANSOORI PRODUCTION SERVICE LLC. of the United Arab Emirates

The Company entered a joint venture with GLOBECO S.P.A. of Italy, one of the world’s leading companies in waterway waste-management, to establish Ecomarine Co., Ltd. (Subsidiary) whose major business focuses on providing pollution and waste disposal services in waterways such as water hyacinth, garbage and oil spills

The Company completed building the structure of a 442 TEU cargo ship—the largest ever to be built in Thailand, for GATI LIMITED of India, which commenced in 2007 and is due to be delivered in 2008.
The Company was awarded to build 30 Tons and 40 Tons Bollard Pull Tractor Tug in 2009 ...... delivered in 2011


The Company proceeded on building delivered M.V. ADAMS NOMAT a building Support vessel K.A. AL-GOSAIBI DIVING AND MARINE SERVICES COMPANY of Saudi Arabia
The Company proceeded with two project M.V. KOHTAKTEN the 4o Tons Bolland Pull Tugboat Port Authority of Sihanoukville to Tugboat vessels (KOH TAKIEV) and TARUA 123 a Buoy Tender vessel for Port Authority of Thailand

Open 2 nd shipyard in surat thani Province to expand operation to southern region of Thailand.
The Company delivered 50 Tons Bollard Pull Tugboat “ TARUA 304” to Laem Chabang Port, Port Authority of Thailand.


Signed a contract to Subcontractor for Steel structure of the New Sadao Customer house building, Songkla and Signed a contract to Subcontractor for the installation of steel structure for Suvarnabhumi airport expansion CC1/2
Signed a contract to build 4 Catamaran Passenger Boats by the Chao Phraya Express Boat Co., Ltd. and Completed delivered the canal cleaning Boat to Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd.

Complete delivery of 2 vessels Canal Cleaning Boat by Department of Marine and Coastal Resourced, Complete delivery of 5 vessels Electric Passenger Boats by Mine Mobility Research CO., Ltf. And Signed a contract to build Tug Boat by Royal Thai Navy.

Completed delivery of 4 Catamaran Passenger Boats by the Chao Phraya Express Boat Co.,Ltd , Signed a contract to build 5 Electric Passenger Boats for Mine Mobility Research Co., Ltd. and singed a contract build 2 unit canal cleaning boat for department of marine and Coastal Resources.


Complete delivery adjustment Thai customs patrol boat 1201 it is museum patrol boat at pier Thai customs Koh Sri-chang

Vision and Mission
Vision : To establish ASIMAR as an internationally recognized brand name in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry, through the application of technology in developing its manufacturing process to achieve excellence in quality, timely delivery and ultimate client satisfaction.
Mission : Commitment to providing a high standard of service to clients by means of effective quality and time control comparable to a leading world-class shipyard, with continuing development and optimal efficiency in the management of company resources for
- Clients : Well-received outcomes and complete client satisfaction
- Shareholders : Target returns on investment to their satisfaction
- Employees : Human resources development with opportunities for career advancement and good quality of life
- Environment and Community : Participation in environmental and social development activities
Organisation Chart
Asimar Group
Nature of Business
General Marine Co., Ltd.
The Company is a sole shareholder in General Marine Co., Ltd., Operating as a distributor of machinery, spare parts and equipment.
Asimar Marine Co.,Ltd
The Company is a sole shareholder inAsimarMarine Ltd. conducts business as ship repair contractor to the Company due to growing demand of the workforce in the market. The Company has great intention to develop highly skilled workforce to meet the standards set forth by Ship Classification Society.
Eco Marine Co., Ltd.
Eco Marine Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between ASIMAR and ITALMARE S.P.A.(last name GLOBELCO S.p.A.)from Italy with the shareholding structure of 93.15% and 6.85% respectively. ECOMARINE is a builder of vessels and renders services in the field of water antipollution e.g. debris collection, oil spill recovery, algae and weed harvesting for both private and public sectors.
Moreover, ITALMARE S.P.A. has been continuously supporting ECOMARINE Co., Ltd. in terms of both technology transfer and patented ship plans to further develop the industry as well.

Board of Directors
Nominating & Remuneration Committee
Board of Execution Directors
Audit Committee
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
General Manager
General Manager
Marketing Department
Finance & Accounting
Production Department
Bussiness Department Division
Project Management Team
Engineering Team
Genaral Marine
Material Services Department
Quality Control and safety Division
Human Resources & Administration Department
Information Technology
Law Division
Information Technology Division
Internal Auditor
Asimar Marine (AML)

Environment and Quality
Asimar constantly and consciously strives to achieve high working standards to provide best quality services to our customers, and also ensure safety and good health for those involved in our business'activities. We believe in continuous improvement and enhancing our competencies to meet rapid global changes. And, It is our firmedcommitment to conserve and protect the environments of the working area and surrounding communities.